Joining Hands Blog

Hands of Freedom Update August 2020

Hands of Freedom Update August 2020

It has been close to five months that we have been in this start/stop season. Some places are still in lock down and some you are able to move freely about. Our prayer is that this will be a season where you experience an extra measure of His grace and peace to deal...

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Hands of Freedom Update July 2020

Hands of Freedom Update July 2020

As we continue during this uncertain season, we are reminded of the one certainty that we can count on and that is our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is a God who never leaves us or forsakes us, and is with us to the end of the age. As the COVID cases begin to...

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Hands of Freedom COVID-19 Update

Hands of Freedom COVID-19 Update

Thank you, friends and supporters for your generosity. Your food packet donations are SAVING LIVES! We have been able to bless 1,000 families with food packets which have helped sustain them during these unprecedented and uncertain times. We are reminded that the...

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The church has left the building

The church has left the building

More than two months ago, the Indian government locked down the entire country at 8 p.m. with only four hours of lead time. Public transportation abruptly ceased. Millions of migrant workers, stranded hundreds of miles from home without their daily wages, instantly...

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$25 feeds a family of four in the slums of India

$25 feeds a family of four in the slums of India

THANK YOU to everyone who has already so generously donated food packs to those in dire need. You are making a difference! The food packs distribution has begun but the need is ongoing. On April 9, Hands of Freedom began collecting donations to create food packs for...

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Millions in India can’t take measures to be safe

Millions in India can’t take measures to be safe

As with much of the world, India is in lock down. But that’s where the similarities end for millions of families living in India’s slums. As you take precautions to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, please take a moment to thank God for the blessings He has...

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These are our dreams for 2020

These are our dreams for 2020

Every mother dreams that her children’s lives will be better than her own. In the slums of India, mothers dream that their children will have enough to eat and clean drinking water. They dream of sending at least one child to school. They dream that their children...

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