Change is happening … Join the movement!
Help Hands of Freedom provide holistic outreach and make a difference by donating today!
Your financial generosity helps us:
- Move children and families out of the clutches of slavery and poverty toward a new God-given destiny based on the hope offered by Christ. Five hundred kids have begun their educational journey. Many of them are the first generation of kids in their families to go to school.
- Keep women and children from the clutches of traffickers, who enslave them in red-light districts, use them as child labor, or enslave them into beggar gangs.
- Provide clean drinking water to thousands of poor. Thirty-six fresh water wells have been drilled that provide clean drinking water to more than 75,000 people.
- Reach the lost through our churches. Twenty-five house churches have been planted that have brought the light of Christ into unreached communities. We live among 1.4 billion people, only 2% of whom are followers of Christ. You are helping us to be the salt and light in challenging communities that live with a world view that all people are created unequal.
Hands of Freedom is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on helping the poor of India through micro-lending, fresh water well projects, education and savings groups. Our goal is to work with the groups relegated to the bottom rung of society and help them transform their lives.
Any donation is greatly appreciated, and will make a huge difference in the lives of many.

Life without Hands of Freedom’s intervention is not just hard. It’s very dangerous. It’s without hope.

Hands of Freedom is providing clean drinking water, a safe place and hope.

Most important: We are instilling God’s love and nurturing their souls.
Your tax-deductible donation will help Hands of Freedom break the cycle of poverty and save the lives of vulnerable children.
Their hope for a better future starts with you.