
Sheela has been a victim of physical abuse, emotional abuse, and  harassment at home by her husband. Sheela was not able to bear children and was ridiculed by her husband and his family as this is a big insult in Indian culture. As a result, Sheela was deserted by her  husband who then married another woman. Sheela was at the point of committing suicide but was directed to one of our prayer meetings. She mentions that she was touched by Christ at that meeting and God did not allow her to commit suicide. Today she says, “I believe in Lord Jesus as only he is able to understand me and help me. I read and study his word daily and he is my guide and strength.” Sheela’s life has changed and although she has major challenges and issues, she has the peace of Christ which allows her to get through her days. She says that she does not live in fear anymore as she has received  her freedom in Christ and her hope is in the Lord. She attends her small group regularly and her small group stands by her and provides encouragement. She has a new family in Christ and is also part of the Hands of Freedom business training that will help her support herself.