Dear Friends 


We pray that you are experiencing God’s grace as you navigate through 2022. Our team has been meditating on a theme in these early months of 2022. The theme is this: We can step forward with excitement and hope in this new year because the anchor of our faith has not changed. 

We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain (Heb 6:19)

An anchor that is sure and steadfast does not rust or dissolve. Our anchor, who is Jesus Christ, is solid and reliable. No matter how hard you push or rely on him, he is immovable and can support us in any situation that we face. 

We are excited to give you an update from the ground. The omicron virus has been significantly milder, resulting in a softer third COVID wave. As of mid-February, we can now open our ministry to impoverished children devastated by COVID. They have not been in school for the last two years. Many of these children may never return to school as their parents have found them jobs. Income is more important to these families than kids going to school because of COVID’s impact on their lives. 

We are excited to announce the launch of a new Hope Center for a group of children who live at a brick kiln. They live in challenging spaces with no access to water or restrooms; their parents earn meager wages. It is a blessing for them to be at the Hope Center. Here they learn about Jesus, and receive both education and food. There is excitement in the air as these children begin to dream again. Their parents are beginning to have hope that they will recover from COVID’s devastation. 

We invite you to continue to partner with us in the next season to be the hands and feet of Jesus, delivering the good news of the Gospel along with real-life solutions of food, education and vocational training.

May you continue to depend on this sure and steadfast anchor. He is enough!!!

God Bless
Hands of Freedom Team