God’s goodness shone in the joyful faces of the children attending Hands of Freedom’s vacation bible schools. Our goal was to get 60 children. We wound up with 120! For many families, this was their first introduction to the gospel. For most, it was also their first time getting out of the slums. The kids got to feel good about themselves. And we were blessed to show them our Father’s love and light.  

The week-long vacation bible school was the beginning of something truly amazing. Hands of Freedom has now launched two new preschools, each with about 60 students enrolled. 

Education is how we will help break the cycle of poverty, which hits children the hardest. Kids can be the first to introduce the gospel into their homes. Successes such as our vacation bible schools and preschools nourish our souls and our drive to bring more hope, through Jesus Christ, to India’s poor.