Meet Jaya, a Hands of Freedom savings group member who is building a pickle-making business in India. Before joining her local community savings group, Jaya’s family was struggling to make ends meet. However, after being mentored and encouraged by Hands of Freedom, she was equipped and empowered to use her talents to start a business of her own. Now, Jaya has built a successful pickling business to provide for her family. In addition to making traditional pickles, Jaya also produces exotic flavors such as mango and lemon. Recently, Jaya has even branched out to pickling other vegetables, such as bitter gourds and carrots.
She now earns $250 – $300 per month, is able to send her children to school and can provide food for her family. While Jaya’s customers are mostly savings group members from the local area, she has big plans to expand her business in the future. She remarks, “Hands of Freedom has seen my talents and empowered me. They have given me a hope and I have experienced God’s love through them. I have a reason to believe in myself and am excited to use my God given talents to build a future with God’s help.”
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