Starting A Business

Jyoti’s husband was the sole bread winner in the house and when his factory closed down he lost his job. Jyoti was an active member of the Hands of Freedom savings group and decided to leverage her cooking skills. Today, Jyoti and her husband run a mini lunch business...

True Freedom!

Sheela has been a victim of physical abuse, emotional abuse, and  harassment at home by her husband. Sheela was not able to bear children and was ridiculed by her husband and his family as this is a big insult in Indian culture. As a result, Sheela was deserted by her...

School Bag Giveaway

Hands of Freedom works to ensure that future generations have hope and the tools needed to learn.  Approximately 150 school bags were provided to children in the slums who are unable to afford something many of us take for granted as we prepare to send our kids back...

Hope Centers and Christmas Cards from India!

Many exciting things are underway at Hands of Freedom in these summer months! Plans are in place to start opening the Hope Centers that will provide food, private tutoring, sports programming and spiritual development.  These are targeted to be in place at the end of...
Recent Youth Rally

Recent Youth Rally

At a recent youth rally, children were fed by Hands of Freedom.   Given the high incidence of malnutrition in India, these meals can be very important. Your support provides physical and spiritual nourishment for these youth.